Thursday, September 27, 2012

sweet disposition & faith in God.

I have been working on this post for a long time.
I wasn't sure how to word it but I think I have finally figured it out.

As many of you already know, a dear friend of mine passed away earlier this year.
Just four months ago to be exact.
She was just nineteen and she was killed in a car accident.

I went the the viewing and the funeral and was blown away by the way her mother Tammy was handling it.

During the funeral they played the song "I Will Praise You in This Storm."
I was sitting towards the back of the packed gymnasium but still saw a hand slip up in the air about halfway through that song. Connected to that hand was Tammy, Morgan's mother. She truly was praising Him in the storm. Her hands were lifted the entire time and I couldn't help but stare as she stared towards heaven giving praise to the God that gives and takes away.

Since that time she has not ceased to amaze me.
The whole point of me writing this is because
1. I am taken aback by the testimony this sweet lady is
2. I want you to witness it.

She has posted numerous statuses on Facebook that give God glory...

"What if...what if I would have stopped that afternoon to talk with Morgan and delayed her a few minutes...what if Morgan had driven a bigger car...what if the lady had not been going so fast....what if, what if, what if. There are a million of them. I have heard them all and i have thought them all. But all of the "what if's" completely negate God's sovereignty. If we truly believe that God is in 
control, how can we say "what if"?
I personally believe that nothing happens on this earth without first passing through His hands. Do I understand it? Do I trust that God has a purpose in the midst of it?...absolutely!
Instead of focusing on the past "what if's"...we need to focus on the present "what now's".
What now, God? What can I do now that will bring glory and honor to You?
May every word i speak, every thought I have, every action I take be Christ-honoring."

"Today, I have thought about how blessed Morgan was to have such amazing friends! From grade school, to high school, to college, the Lord placed very special friends in Morgan's life to love her and help her along the way. There are too many to name...but you know who you are. Thank you for loving my Mo. Thank you for making her life so much sweeter! She loved each of you fiercely!
Now...for the mo
st important part. If Morgan could talk to you right now, I KNOW that she would want to ensure that she would see you again. She would want you to know that heaven is very real and that you have to have a personal relationship with Christ to get there. If you don't have that relationship...please don't delay! Talk to God, talk to a pastor, talk to a believer who will open up the Bible and share truth. Pursue God's purpose for your life. Just like Mo, we never know when we will breathe our last breath.
Much, much love!"

"I have to share my yesterday with you. I left the house fine, but by the time I arrived at work, I was a mess. As usual, just missing Morgan to the point of it almost being unbearable. God has truly blessed me with amazing friends! They were so sweet and supportive throughout the day.
That evening, my precious mama called me. We cried and reminisced. I was a mess again. Other friends and family 
called and texted. My last call was from Trey. He usually texts me, but said he had been thinking about me and wanted to call instead. Then...right before I awoke this morning, i saw Morgan's face and she gave me a kiss.
I said ALL of this to say...OUR GOD IS SO VERY GOOD! He has perfect timing! He has used so many friends, family, and strangers to help us weather this storm. For every act of love and kindness...may we give Him every ounce of credit. He uses those who make themselves usable. Thank you for making yourself usable. God has used every prayer, text, call, post, card, picture, story, hug to minister to my heart. I am eternally grateful!"

"You stay up and wait on them to get home. You make them call you once they make it to their next location. You wake up at all hours of the night and go lay your hand on their chest to make sure they are ok (no matter what age). You go get them (no matter the hour) when they are unable to make it home safely :) You pray that God will place His strongest angels around them to protect them from harm.
........they think they are invincible. You PRAY they are invincible. But the truth is....they are not.
That's when you come to the realization that they are God's first and foremost. They are the most precious gift that He gives. And we must learn to praise Him when He gives...and takes away. He sees the big picture. He is sovereign.
It is also then when you must realize that you have to trust Him, no matter the circumstance. As hard as it is to believe, He loved them first and He loves them even more than we do. Isn't that amazing?!? so very thankful for the precious time that you have them. Continue to pray for them. And trust God with everything else."

There are so many more posts I could show you but I think these say it all.
No matter what you are going through God is in control and He can receive glory.

And if that isn't a sweet disposition, then I don't know what is.

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