Wednesday, January 8, 2014

goals, resolutions, what have you.

I am not a huge fan of resolutions since most of the time people don't follow through, but I am going to set some goals for this year... which is pretty much the same thing.

anyways, here are a few things that I am going to strive to do this year.

+get ready in the morning. I am so bad about waking up just early enough to put my clothes on, brush my teeth, and make coffee. along with this I want to learn some fun tips and tricks for makeup because I am not makeup savvy in the least bit. I love makeup but I need to learn how to apply it. I plan to soak in what Meg Livingston says in her new beauty blog. win.

+cook more meals/pack more lunches. working a full time job and being a wife is hard. I really love my job though, and the financial aid it brings, so for now I will have to find a way to balance both. also, having your office inbetween Chick-fil-a and Cook Out can be expensive. I need to make more dinner so I can have more leftovers. two birds with one stone.

+finish our Dave Ramsey baby step 3, which is a fully funded emergency fund. (e-fund definiton: 3-6 months of your income in a savings account that you can access easily) we are in the process of buying a house and trying to finish this step up, but I think we can do it.

+a few months ago I blogged about being a missionary. well I feel like I know where God is leading and it's something I can do from right where I am. I don't want to give to many details because I will be unveiling it via this blog within the next month or so, but it's a goal to have it up and running and ready for presentation in October for the annual Help Conference.

+have a yardsale. because we have too much junk.

+stop biting my nails. I say this every year. never works. oh well. try, try again.

+read five new books.

+go to Australia in September. J and I have set this goal together and we are hoping we can still accomplish it with some unexpected expenses that came up.

+move into our new home. right now we are going throught the home inspection process and loan approval and it is a lot of work, but I can't wait to get into our house! we plan to completely renovate the kitchen right away but more on that later.

+love J, my family/friends, and Jesus more.

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