Saturday, January 8, 2011

know she will do great things.

so ever since I have known her.
she has wanted to go to salem.

she loves it.
and it is so beyond perfect for her..
even if it does mean we will more than likely be very far away from each other.
(but we have a few months before we have to deal with that so)
today I left her house around eleven thirty.
and at around five thirty I got a text message informing me she had been accepted(:

so of course I immediately called her.
and since we have an awful case of phone tag.. she didnt answer but called me back like two minutes later.
I could tell in her voice she was ecstatic.
I am beyond happy for her.

she is going to great things.
she has all the tools.
she is gorgeous, smart, hilarious, stands up for what is right, and loves Jesus more than just about anybody I know.

and if that wasnt enough.
I have her back no matter how far we are away. or what happens.

I love you aly.
mazel tov(: