Thursday, June 9, 2011

get there wayy faster than expected.

the video adds affect. trust me.

oh hello graduation,

you got here wayyy faster than I was expecting but it's nice to see you.
I kinda thought I would have like plenty of time to get ready for you but I see you like to creep up on people. 
you give me mixed emotions (as if my emotions werent mixed enough already).
I really want to be happy about you showing up, but would be lying if I said I wasn't the least bit sad.
you know, I think you give everyone mixed emotions... even if they don't admit it. 
I have a few favors to ask though...
1. could you take it easy on me tomorrow????
my week hasn't been the greatest and well I thought someone would be there tomorrow thats not going to be... and that alone makes me cry a whole lot. 
plus... I really do love high school. 
I hate the drama. ALL THE DRAMA.
but for the most part I have had the time of my life here at ESHS. and saying goodbye is going to be bittersweet.
2. could you take it easy on my parents. 
especially my momma.
her emotions are just as fragile as mine...
and well if she cries, I cry.
and as for my daddy.
well he may pretend to be strong but if he cries it is ALL over for the rest of us.
3. my best friend is singing for you.
and well she is one fabulous singer, let me tell ya.
but she really doesn't want to cry during the song...
so yeah, more emotions you need to watch out for.
4. I really hope I don't fall walking across the stage.
yeah, definitely too much for me to handle.
so don't have any random cords that I can trip over.

basically, I really don't want to be an emotional wreck, even though I know it will happen.
I have my waterproof mascara all ready. I stocked up on that in the beginning of the week.
and well let's be honest... I am kinda the depressing type lately.

so PLEASE. take it easy on me.
thank you thank you thank you.


ps. remind me of all those good times..
you know when all my friends are there beside me in red.
remind me of all the memories that brought me to here.


  1. love love love love love love love love love.

  2. Congratulations autumn!!! You will do great. Remember even in the most saddest moments God will never leave. Trust me been where you are at right now. Be blessed.
